Online | Start Januari 6
The Gesture of Great Love Study and Practice Program is developed by Odiyan Programs and will be presented in English by Odiyan instructors on Saturdays and by Nyingma Centrum Nederland on Mondays.
This new program is based on Tarthang Tulku’s most recent book Gesture of Great Love.
The book and program Gesture of Great Love offer a new way of understanding experience through three combined approaches and practices for exploring the root cause of suffering.
An invitation to transcend suffering now!
Both book and program are characterized by a fresh and surprisingly direct tone that invites us to transcend suffering – not some time later but starting now – as we are, where we are and realizing that ‘the Great Love at the heart of being is already here! ‘

Everyone can shine and share, discover new knowledge and lead a meaningful life. Everyone includes you!
Gesture of Great Love p x
Who can attend
This program is a sequel course for those who followed GGL module 1 in the fall of 2024, but registration is open to others as well. The best motivation to join is a sincere interest in unraveling the secrets of your own day-to-day experience and a heartfelt intention to transcend suffering.
New participants are asked to thoroughly read the first three chapters of the book by themselves before January 13, the start date of Module 2.
Practical information and registration
- 23 classes Januari 6 – June 30 ’25
- 1 final workshop June 28 18.00-21.00 CET/9-10.30 am PDT
- Mondays 19.00 – 20.30 CET/10-11.30 am PDT
- Online through zoom
- English spoken
- Free introductory session and Q&A Januari 6
- Cost € 285,- or 5 x €58 per month
Gesture of Great Love Study and Practice Program Overview Module 2-5
Januari 6 Free introductory session open to all
Januari 13 – March 17 Module 2 (9 classes)
Seeing Mind with Wise Eyes
based on GGL ch 4 – 7
In this module Seeing Mind with Wise Eyes, you will become clear about the regime of mind and how it dominates your life, controls your reality and limits your possibilities. You learn to see your human situation without frustration, but with wise, compassionate eyes.
The mind of ignorance is the root cause of suffering. In this module you actively inquire into your own experience. You become intimate with the self, investigating how it operates and when, how and why it affirms itself.
You will meet the mind’s gatekeepers! All your problems, or what seem to be problems, appear by how the self manifests – helped by the gatekeepers: I, me, mine and mind. When you begin to see how mind works, these protectors start loosening their hold. Finally you become free; free to choose a more easeful, a more useful, a more joyful way of being.
March 31 – May 5 Module 3 (6 classes)
Offering Hugs and Kisses
based on GGL ch 8 – 9
In module 3 we open ourselves for the basic unconditional love for ourselves that is the foundation of a healthy and happy life. By learning to accept and love ourselves the way we are -including all our so-called imperfections- we paradoxically open to the real possibility of transformation and growth. We develop a new relationship with mind, inviting it to be our friend and helper instead of the dictator and eternal critic.
This gesture of hugs and kisses, freely given to ourselves will extend naturally into a loving and compassionate attitude towards others, which will bring new perspectives and joys into your daily life.
May 12 – June 30 Module 4 (8 classes)
The Immediacy of the Instant
based on GGL ch 10 – 12
Once you are really committed to offering hugs and kisses, you will be motivated to examine the nature of time more closely. Looking inward you can ask: Is sameness how things actuually are? Is time really moving at a steady pace? To feel secure, am I ignoring time’s dynamic, with its natural momentum towards freshness and potential? Is the shape of time anything like the face of a clock?
Growing up, we learn to replace the immediacy of the instant with the succession of moments. Linear time as it unwinds from moment to moment tells us what is real and it hides from us the depth of the instant. Yet we can recover the depth of the instant. Without rejecting the realness and logic of the content that time presents, we can release its hold on us, just as we can learn to wake up within the dream.
Saturday June 28 18.00 – 21.00 CET/9-10.30 AM PDT
Final Workshop Embracing the Silent Field of Being Now
based on GGL Epilogue
Let go of ‘I can’t’ or ‘I don’t know how’.
Bring ease to whatever arises, to all of the dream-line bubbles.
Enjoy the display!.
Silent light is already shining.
The Great Love at the heart of being is already here.
Elske van de Hulst is co-dean and senior instructor at Nyingma Centrum Nederland in Amsterdam.
Between 1969 and 1995, she worked in the theatre as an actress, director and author. She taught at the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten and for many years was a member of the Dutch Arts Council. In 1998 she started studying the theatre of the mind, guided by Tarthang Tulku’s books, and has not stopped since.
Elske teaches Meditation, Knowledge of Freedom, Revelations of Mind, Dimensions of Mind, Caring and Lotus Trilogy teachings in Amsterdam and elsewhere.

Students of this program need to have their own copy of the book at hand.
If you do not have the book yet, you can order the book in dollars through Dharma Publishing, or in Euros through Lotus Design Bookstore
This most recent book by Tarthang Tulku is also a beautiful gift for those you love….