9 Month International Program based on Dimensions of Mind by Tarthang Tulku
Our responsibility is to open to the rich opportunities we have available to us. That is the direct way to cultivate transformation. As we open ourselves, we give more, and we also receive more. It simply depends on being ready. We can speak of freedom, or blessings, or knowledge: the words are not so important. It may be better just to say what we are releasing: releasing worries, releasing entanglements, releasing all the basic emotions. When there is no ‘belonging to’ we can heal fear, anger, or greed. These kinds of patterns open easily. Dimensions of Mind p 277
- 9 Month Online International Program, Sept. 2024 – May 2025
- 31 weekly classes
- Weekly self-observation, practice and reading assignments
- 1 weekend webinar-retreat October 2024
- 1 workshop by Jack Petranker May 2025
- Run jointly from Europe and USA
- Audio recordings of classes will be made available for private use by participants only.
- Co-organized by Nyingma Institute Berkeley and Nyingma Centrum Nederland
- Program costs € 585 (or $585), can be paid in 9 monthly installments of € 65 (or $65) per month
- Based on Dimensions of Mind by Tarthang Tulku, Dharma Publishing 2016
Dimensions of Mind
As a book within Tarthang Tulku’s Understanding Self and Mind series, Dimensions of Mind is an aid and guides to “activate a self-search engine into the boundless dimensions of mind”.
Combining classic Buddhist approaches with experiential ways of questioning mind, the book takes us deeper into understanding the workings of our minds.
We will be asked to explore if our understanding mind is inseparable from our ability to be of benefit to self and other. We will engage in a process of inquiry and look at the structures of mind that condition our suffering. And we will also explore ways to stay centered in experience and find a radical freedom in the play of appearances.
Our nine-month program will follow the order of topics as presented in Dimensions of Mind, but we will also feature readings and exercises from other Tarthang Tulku books: including Knowledge of Freedom, Openness Mind, and The Joy of Being. And we will focus on meditation as a way to work with whatever level of mind we experience.

Who can attend
This program is a sequel course to the international Knowledge of Freedom program but others with a firm foundation in Dharma practice, meditation, the Time Space Knowledge vision, or other introspective disciplines are warmly invited to attend. This new nine months program provides an excellent bridge to deepen your practice and to open up to the treasures that our minds may be hiding in plain sight.
Program Structure
The program will consist of 31 weekly online classes, one online weekend retreat and one online workshop:
Classes are on Thursdays 10:00 -11:30 AM (PST) | 19:00- 20:30 hrs (CEST) Find your local time through timeanddate.com;
Online weekend retreat on October 18-19, 2024 – Cultivating the Four Immeasurables
Led by Hugh Joswick en Mark Henderson
The retreat consists of daily webinars running 3 hours: 10:00 -13:00 AM (PST) / 19:00 – 22:00 hrs (CET).
Online workshop on Saturday May 3, 2025 – Dimensions of Mind
Led by Jack Petranker
19:00 – 21.00 CEST, 10-12 am PST
The retreat and workshop are included in the program costs.
The September retreat can also be attended by students not enrolled in the program for € 120 (or $120)
Register for Deepening Dimensions of Mind International Program
Program costs:
€ 585 (or $585) – one weekend retreat and one workshop included
Fee may be paid in 9 monthly installments of € 65 (or $65) per month.

Abbe Blum is a long time student of Tarthang Tulku and a seasoned teacher, presenting Kum Nye, Joy of Being, Lotus Trilogy and Nyingma Psychology at Nyingma Institute and Dharma College, both in Berkeley. She worked as one of the editors on several of Rinpoche’s latest books.
She holds a B.A. from UC Berkeley, an M.A. from Cambridge University, England, where she was a Marshall scholar, and a Ph.D. in English Literature from Yale University. As an Associate Professor at Swarthmore College, she taught Shakespeare and intensive writing seminars, and she currently teaches in the School of Psychology and Interdisciplinary Inquiry at Saybook University.
Elske van de Hulst is co-dean and senior instructor at Nyingma Centrum Nederland in Amsterdam.
Between 1969 and 1995, she worked in the theatre as an actress, director and author. She taught at the Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten and for many years was a member of the Dutch Arts Council. In 1998 she started studying the theatre of the mind, guided by Tarthang Tulku’s books, and has not stopped since.
Elske teaches Meditation, Knowledge of Freedom, Revelations of Mind, Dimensions of Mind, Caring and Lotus Trilogy teachings in Amsterdam and elsewhere.

Program description Deepening Dimensions of Mind
Part One – Cultivating the Immeasurables
7 classes, Sept. 5 – Oct. 24
Plus a retreat Cultivating the Four Immeasurables led by Hugh Joswick en Mark Henderson – Fri Oct 18– Sat Oct 19
This first part of the program grounds us in a thorough understanding of the Four Immeasurables (love, compassion, joy, and equanimity). These boundless qualities open positive perspectives in all dimensions of time, space, and knowledge. From that base of positive potential, we are invited to fully embody our experience – letting go more and more of the limiting conditioning that aims to protect us from dangers imagined to be present.
Part Two – Tracing the Patterns of Mind
7 classes, Oct 31 – Dec 19 (no class Nov 28, Dec 26 and Jan 2)
The second part of our program examines the patterns that structure and hinder our spiritual growth and development. We will explore in particular the structures of I, me, mine, and mind – what Tarthang Tulku calls the gateways to samsara. Until we understand the structures of how we get caught in dualistic patterns, no amount of practice and study will be of much benefit.
Part Three – Self-liberation
6 classes, Jan 9 – Feb 20 (no class Feb 13 Longchenpa, no class Feb 27)
The third part will deepen understanding of how we get trapped in the conceptual structures of language, ideas, and identity. However, if we can learn to exercise our faculties in new ways, we can learn to transform our perceived limitations into self-liberation.
Part Four – In the Center
12 classes, March 6 – May 22 (no class May 1)
Plus online workshop by Jack Petranker on Saturday May 3 – 19.00-21.00 CEST, 10-12 AM PST.
In the last section of the program, we will focus on being in the center, what that means, and how to be free of all obstacles by giving up positioning and identification with restrictive self-images. Once you give up your fear of giving up, you may find greater joy and connection with others. If we can accept the invitation to transformation, and share our inquiry with others in an easy, open, effortless way, then that sharing may open an immeasurable benefit for us all.