Kangyur Project -English

Yeshe De Project

Printing the Words of the Buddha

Distributing and sharing the unsurpassed insights of wisdom and compassion of his enlightened lineage has been the tireless core mission of Tarthang Tulku’s life and work.

Tarthang Rinpoche is now asking the support of his international centers for reprinting a thousand editions of the Yidzhin Norbu Kangyur. This precious collection contains all texts spoken by the historical Buddha.

The meaning of the Yidzhin Norbu Kangyur for all sentient beings

Recently, a website with more extensive information was set up by Yeshe De Brazil especially for this project. You can also view it in English by clicking the translation button at the bottom right on the website.

You are also welcome to contribute through our bankaccount: NCN Donatiefonds. Iban NL82INGB0003133390, tnv Stichting Nyingma Centrum Nederland Donatiefonds. Please add: for Kangyur Project.
For Dutch residents the donation is tax deductible

Yeshe De Text Preservation Project

Many precious book collections have allready been reprinted and distributed to countless monasteries and temples all over the world. This happens through the Yeshe De Text preservation Project.

Rinpoche’s aim is to have these precious resources more widely available, not just as objects of veneration in temples but facilitating actual day to day study by individual monks, nuns, lama’s and also committed lay people and institutions. Because in the end it is only embodied wisdom that will protect humanity from needless suffering and wars.

Yeshe De Yidzhin Norbu Kangyur project 2023

The Kangyur is of crucial importance to the preservation and flourishing of Dharma in the world. Yeshe De has previously printed and distributed the Kangyur (the spoken words of the Buddha) and the Tangyur (commentaries of great masters).

At the request of many prominent lamas, she has now started to produce this Yidzhin Norbu Kangyur collection.

The printing is in full swing……

This collection has been created to help expand and spread the Dharma teachings to a new generation of scholars, researchers and students.

This edition is designed in such a way that the texts can be easily and quickly located and studied.

The entire project is run by volunteers. The estimated costs total approximately $1 million. Rinpoche has already financed the largest part himself, but has requested the help of the international Nyingma Centers for the final $400,000.

The goal is to contribute $100.000 from the Dutch Nyingma Centrum before November 2023. In order to collect such an enormous amount of money, we want to set up and carry out many different actions together with you.

For Nyingma Centrum Amsterdam, this will be the largest fundraising campaign to date. This is of course a very big challenge, but at the same time it is also an opportunity to contribute to something that is very valuable and benefits the whole world. By doing this together we create positive karma with and for our Sangha.

How can I contribute to the Yidzhin Norbu Kangyur?


The texts of the Yidzhin Norbu Kangyur will be printed by Grafica do Dharma in Sao Paolo Brasil and assembled, edgedied and sent out by volunteers of the three Brasilian Nyingma centers. Volunteers from elsewhere are welcome to come and help, please contact Yeshe De Brasil.


You can also help by donating. Costs of paper and actual printing have already been funded by Tarthang Rinpoche. For the costs of materials, storage and labor all centers together are trying to raise an additional $ 400.000.

Your contributions are very welcome through NCN Donatiefonds. Iban NL82INGB0003133390, tnv Stichting Nyingma Centrum Nederland Donatiefonds. Please add: for Kangyur Project.
For Dutch residents the donation is tax deductible

There are several options to donate

  • With a contribution of € 1080,- you support the production of 1 complete Kangyur consisting of 108 books
  • With a contribution of € 540,- you support the production of 1/2 Kangyur consisting of 54 books
  • With € 11,- you support the printing of 1 book,
  • With € 108, you support the printing of 10 books.
  • Dharma centers or other institutions that donate € 15.000,- can receive a complete collection of these precious books if careful management and use of the books can be guaranteed. The names of all individuals or companies donating a similar amount plus the names of their loved ones will be printed on the Kangyur’s Dedication page.
  • Contribute on a subscription basis. For example, by donating € 25, -, € 50, – or € 108, – monthly
  • Give what works for you. For over 30 years, smaller donations have been the lifeblood of Yeshe De.

Any contribution makes the difference to our work and is highly appreciated!

The names of all contributors will be recited at the World Peace Ceremony, the Nyingma Monlam in Bodh Gaya in January 2024 as the collections are distributed.

You can also donate through the donation button below.

Approaching sponsors

Do you know people, companies or institutions that we can approach to make a contribution of € 10,000 or more? Please let us know! They will be mentioned in the credits of the Kangyur and their names will be recited at the World Peace Ceremony 2024 in Bodh Gaya. If you want to contact a potential sponsor yourself, we can help you with presentation material.
Of course we are also happy to talk to a potentially interested sponsor. If you want to introduce us, we will get in touch.

Contactperson: Elske van de Hulst

Organize a benefit dinner

Do you like to cook or bake and do you like to invite people? Then organize a lunch, high tea or dinner and invite people you would like to see again. The benefit aspect can be very simple: ask your guests to make a donation instead of a bunch of flowers or a bottle of wine.
If you have acquaintances who already sympathize with this project, you can also ask for an amount the size of a dinner out.
But of course you decide that all by yourself. Every little bit helps, and every donation contributes to the positive effect.

Contactperson: Guda van der Lee

Turn your party into a benefit party

If you are celebrating your birthday, anniversary or just a party, ask all guests not to bring a present but to make a donation instead. This is easy to achieve and has enormous potential. The project will run until November. Imagine how many parties you could give! You can also see this idea as a nice occasion to to have a celebration!

Contactperson: Guda van der Lee

Donate something of value

For example something that you no longer need or would like to give. We want to set up an auction site for this purpose where you can donate valuable items that will be auctioned. With this, Sangha members and people who do not belong to the Sangha get something beautiful or useful in return. You can also offer a service through that site, for example a free manicure, a tasty meal at home, a special apple pie recipe. A chore for peeple who can’t do it themselves.

Contactperson: Guda van der Lee

Host a movie night

Do you know people who would like to know more about the Nyingma Center or Tibetan culture? Then you could organize a movie night and ask for a donation. The film The Great Transmission has won many awards and is of interest to a large audience. You can rent the film online for a small fee. Highly recommended if you haven’t seen this movie yet. By the way if you’ve already watched the movie, it is still interesting to view it again, because then you know why others should see it too!

Contactperson: Guda van der Lee

Develop your own initiative

If you have a good idea, let us know. Better still: get started and share it with us. Who knows, it will get a big imitation!

Contactperson: Guda van der Lee

Involve as many others as possible

The following applies to all initiatives: talk to your guests about this project. Who knows, there are people who know companies that might want to sponsor. If you need us to further explore these kinds of new possibilities, please also contact Guda van der Lee

Got excited?

If you feel like getting involved, take action and report positive results right away. This gives satisfaction and motivates others.

We are told that Dharma preservation brings supreme benefit to those who participate as well as those who receive the texts. According to the Sūtras, reproducing even a few lines of a sacred text generates merit beyond compare.

This special project gives each of us the opportunity to participate and contribute to the preservation of this teaching. As a seed of peace and harmony, it is planted in us and in future generations and can thus spread. Thus it generates blessings and merits for all.

Letter from Odiyan about the Yidzhin Norbu Kangyur