Homage to the Root Guru and Lineage Lamas | Live & Online

Homage to the Root Guru and Lineage Lamas

Fountain of Wisdom in Action

With Arnaud Maitland

Online and live at Nyingma Centrum, Amsterdam

Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche often credits his teachers’ blessings as underpinning the accomplishments of his Nyingma Mandala of activities. What wisdom informs our actions? Following in Rinpoche’s footsteps we can invite his living tradition into our lives. I can hear the echo of their footsteps.

As beacons of inspiration, paying homage to the Root Guru and Lineage Lamas may create an umbrella of protection. This way we plant seeds of the sages in our inner environment, remodelling our energetic body and our presence in the world. Then lonesome would mean nothing to me at all.

A question remains: are we authentic students? That may not matter at all.

Do you enjoy and value being in the light of these ancient masters? If so, you may cherish this intensive program with prayers, and life-stories of a few of Rinpoche’s lineages, and their possible relevance in our daily lives. Tomorrow is a long time.

Italic quotes from Bob Dylan – Tomorrow is a long time.

Arnaud Maitland

The program will be led by Arnaud Maitland, who has been on retreat for over four years after having studied and worked with Tarthang Tulku Rinpoche since 1977. Leading seminars and retreats solely on Rinpoche’s teachings, Arnaud wrote three books, all with Dharma Publishing: MasterWork, Living without Regret, and Reflections of Faith (also to be published in Spanish, German, and Portuguese in 2024).

Program details

Friday 17.00-21.00 CEST8-12 am PDT
Saturday 17.00-21.00 CEST8-12 am PDT
Sunday 17.00-19.00 CEST8-10 am PDT

The program can be followed online through Zoom or live at Nyingma Centrum in Amsterdam.

Costs: € 125.-

If you have any questions, please contact us here.